billboard graphic anynode release 3.10

anynode release 3.10

Intro 3.10

Version Highlights

Rolling Traces In addition to storing anynode trace files into a single file now traces can be split into multiple files with a definable number of files and size of each file. In this mode the maximum size on disk is limited and it is possible to do long-term tracing for problems that occur infrequently. Time / Day-of-Week based routing It is now possible to create conditions that trigger based on time-ranges and day-of-week (and additionally manually configured holidays). Those conditions can be used to control routing and thus allow to route calls based on hotline hours for example. Administration / Maintenance The new administration-module allows specific control of the host-system. It is possible to restart or shut down the system. On Linux updates can be applied, the SSH-Daemon and a special system-administrative user can be configured and activated/deactivated. By switching the system to maintenance mode, the system can be shut down gracefully, continuing to service established calls, but not accepting new ones. TAPI Support It is now possible to retrieve busy-states of conventional PBXs via TAPI and replicate this state using UCMA into Skype-for-Business systems. This allows users with Skype-Clients to also detect the complete busy-state of users in hybrid environments.

anynode Setup 3.10.10 (July 09, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.10.10

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.10.10

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.10.10

  • Java: JRE 8u172 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.10.10

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.10.10

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.10.10


  • A Go Daddy certificate chain has been integrated to automatically create a chain of trust when a single Go Daddy certificate is entered by the user

  • CSR generation now makes the download of the private key mandatory to prevent receiving a signed certificate, but having lost the private key

Bug Fixes

  • A problem when trying to open the anynode frontend on Windows via the start-menu link

  • During Debian system-updates that have been initiated via the frontend, no status-messages did show up on the pop up-windows

  • A couple of potential crashes in anynode UCMA

anynode Setup 3.10.9 (June 18, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.10.9

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.10.9

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.10.9

  • Java: JRE 8u172 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.10.9

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.10.9

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.10.9

Bug Fixes

  • A potential crash in the anynode monitor while exchanging data with the UCMA module

  • A potential deadlock in the anynode UCMA module has been corrected which could occur if an unknown trusted application id was configured

anynode Setup 3.10.8 (June 08, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.10.8

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.10.8

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.10.8

  • Java: JRE 8u172 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.10.8

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.10.8

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.10.8


  • The wizard for creating a Microsoft Teams Direct Routing has been improved to include a page to configure the certificates

Bug Fixes

  • A potential ownership issue for files in the configuration directories on Debian

anynode Setup 3.10.7 (May 31, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.10.7

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.10.7

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.10.7

  • Java: JRE 8u172 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.10.7

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.10.7

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.10.7


  • The integrated license activation is now done via HTTPS. For privacy reasons, the activation via HTTP is not available anymore

anynode Setup 3.10.6 (May 29, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.10.6

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.10.6

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.10.6

  • Java: JRE 8u172 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.10.6

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.10.6

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.10.6


  • Upon creation of a Microsoft Teams Direct Routing node through the wizard, the user is redirected to the Network Security Profile page to configure the client-certificates

  • The duration it takes to copy data into the clipboard in the anynode trace analyzer has been improved considerably in certain circumstances

Bug Fixes

  • A potential crash while loading a trace-file into the anynode trace analyzer

anynode Setup 3.10.5 (May 25, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.10.5

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.10.5

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.10.5

  • Java: JRE 8u172 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.10.5

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.10.5

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.10.5

New Features

  • A node wizard for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing has been integrated


  • On all systems using OpenSSL 1.0.2 upwards (Windows, Debian 9, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04), it is now possible to use non-root certificates as trust-anchor

Bug Fixes

  • A problem with setting correct directory access rights during installation on Debian based systems

  • A potential crash of the UCMA-service during TAPI-enumeration during startup

anynode Setup 3.10.3 (May 23, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.10.3

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.10.3

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.10.3

  • Java: JRE 8u172 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.10.3

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.10.3

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.10.3

New Features

  • It is now possible to import additional certificates for ones own certificate to present a complete chain during the TLS-handshake

  • It is now possible to configure certain SIP-components to be able interoperate with Microsoft Teams

Bug Fixes

  • In certain circumstances the anynode monitor could crash when the IPC-connection to the anynode base service is lost while connections were still established

anynode Setup 3.10.0 (May 14, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.10.0

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.10.0

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.10.0

  • Java: JRE 8u172 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.10.0

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.10.0

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.10.0

New Features

  • Media-Negotation now also supports TURN

  • Support for Ubuntu 18.04 x64 G.726 codec support on x64 systems (both Linux & Windows)

  • anynode can be put into a maintenance-mode, allowing for soft shutdown of service

  • Computer hosting anynode can be rebooted or shut down using the web-frontend

  • Debian-systems can now be updated (apt-get update / apt-get dist-upgrade) via anynode frontend

  • On all systemd based systems, the openssh-daemon can be activated/deactivated and configured

  • On Debian-based system an specific existing administrative system-account (name: anadmin) can be activated/deactivated and the password reset

  • Rolling Traces are now supported Path replacement detection has been extended to use negotiated media to detect a possible path replacement scenario. Thus media-pass can be shortened even when signalling is running via a third party on both SIP and UCMA nodes

  • PBX-User-state can be retrieved via TAPI and forwarded via UCMA to show the associated Skype-For-Business-User as busy

  • Routing can now be performed conditionally based on time and day of week

  • It is now possible to forward user-specific headers for an initial INVITE.

  • It is now possible to forward the SIP-domain of an incoming call in a user-configurable Header

  • New VoIP system profile: bintec elmeg be.IP Series

  • New VoIP provider profile: WOBCOM

  • New VoIP provider profile: HFO NGN Connect

  • It is now possible to activate live-tracing for UCMA when accessing the anynode frontend from the local system.


  • Additional information about SIP and UCMA-nodes is collected and shown in the anynode dashboard of the anynode frontend

  • Media-Sources playing simulated-audio during early-media can now stop media-playback when real media from the other side is received

  • Support for SIP-Header Remote-Party-ID

  • Manual setting of specific SIP-headers and addresses both for incoming and outgoing sessions

  • Forwarding of asserted addresses from one node to the other

  • Forwarding of media-negotiation parameters has been improved

  • Various improvements in wizards to generate configuration

  • CPU-type and Operating-System-Infos are now integrated into trace-files and shown in the analyzer

  • Various additional information is now being written into the event-log

  • The OpenSSL library integrated into the Windows version of anynode has been updated to version 1.1.0h

Bug Fixes

  • A potential deadlock in SIP-handling was resolved

  • A problem in char-page conversion

  • A potential problem during call-history export