billboard graphic anynode release 3.16

anynode release 3.16

anynode Setup 3.16.19 (July 26, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.19

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.19

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.19

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.19

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.19

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.19

Bug Fixes

  • A potential problem for incoming non-audio sessions (chat) on UCMA-nodes

  • WMI is now able to access the anynode-monitor again

anynode Setup 3.16.18 (July 05, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.18

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.18

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.18

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.18

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.18

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.18

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected an issue with setting system-timezone on Linux

  • A problem of time tags in call history having incorrect values on systems with 32bit time_t

  • A potential crash of the anynode trace analyzer

  • Some potential glitches when showing certificates and licenses on the anynode dashboard

  • A potential problem in the license-wizard if the license-server was not reachable

anynode Setup 3.16.17 (July 02, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.17

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.17

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.17

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.17

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.17

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.17

New Features

  • Support for Debian Buster (x64 and Raspbian)


  • UCMA-nodes now process the OtherPhoneUri for the number of the remote side if the PhoneUri is empty. This was already done for call signaled on a user endpoint. Now this is also done for calls to the trusted application.

Bug Fixes

  • A potential problem activating changes for transport-connections

  • User-Authentication of the web-frontend is now always active after fresh Linux-installs

anynode Setup 3.16.16 (May 03, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.16

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.16

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.16

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.16

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.16

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.16

New Features

  • Support for Debian Buster (x64 and Raspbian)


  • Various improvements during ICE-negotiation, restoring operation with Exchange UM/Azure-VM Performance-improvements during loading of trace-files into analyzer in certain fringe-cases

  • Improved performance in combination with Microsoft-Turn-Server for UCMA-node

Bug Fixes

  • A potential crash in context with TURN/TCP

anynode Setup 3.16.15 (April 30, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.15

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.15

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.15

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.15

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.15

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.15

New Features

  • Support for Debian Buster (x64 and Raspbian)


  • The initial login-page now has improved usability

Bug Fixes

  • A potential problem during Path-Replacment

  • A problem with Latching

  • A potential problem when cloning objects in the anynode frontend

  • Some minor issues in the anynode trace analyzer

anynode Setup 3.16.14 (April 18, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.14

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.14

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.14

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.14

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.14

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.14

New Features

  • Support for Debian Buster (x64 and Raspbian)


  • RTCP multiplexing is now activated as default only for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing

Bug Fixes

  • A potential issue in the anynode monitor has been fixed when a TCP-connection was blocked due to a white list and did not have a local address

  • A potential issue in the anynode trace analyzer has been fixed when a TCP-connection was blocked due to a white list and did not have a local address

  • The display of some default-values for UDP/TCP transport keep-alive properties in the provider profile

anynode Setup 3.16.13 (April 02, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.13

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.13

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.13

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.13

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.13

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.13


  • Monitoring of Nodes with multiple SIP-Load-Balancers has been improved

Bug Fixes

  • Failed DNS-resolving during TLS-validation has not been checked correctly in certain circumstances

  • During TLS-validation the additional list of SANs was not checked in certain circumstances

  • The anynode frontend could possibly not show certain certificate-fields depending on the keyword contained

anynode Setup 3.16.12 (March 27, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.12

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.12

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.12

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.12

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.12

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.12


  • Some minor enhancements of the command-line interface of the anynode frontend

  • Some textual enhancements in the anynode frontend

  • Handling of declining calls in the UCMA-modules has been improved in certain scenarios

  • Enumeration of common area-phones in UCMA-modules has been improved

Bug Fixes

  • A potential problem during negotiation of T.38

  • A potential problem in certain REFER-scenarios

  • A potential problem when associating network-interfaces to nodes in the anynode trace analyzer

anynode Setup 3.16.11 (March 12, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.11

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.11

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.11

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.11

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.11

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.11


  • QoS-operation for UDP on Windows has been improved

anynode Setup 3.16.10 (March 07, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.10

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.10

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.10

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.10

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.10

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.10


  • VoIP provider profile changed: sipcall

  • VoIP provider profile changed: Flowroute SIP Trunking

Bug Fixes

  • An issue has been corrected where the Referrer-Address has been taken from the Source- Address erroneously

  • A potential crash of the anynode trace analyzer

  • A potential IPC-issue of the monitor after clean installation

anynode Setup 3.16.9 (February 22, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.9

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.9

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.9

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.9

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.9

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.9


  • The default session-timer for Microsoft Teams has been changed to 1800 to improve interoperability with newest changes by Microsoft.

Bug Fixes

  • A potential problem where navigating through the call history reset the page index every time

  • A potential problem where not all web server-connectors of the anynode frontend where started up

anynode Setup 3.16.8 (February 20, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.8

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.8

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.8

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.8

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.8

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.8


  • Improved checks if a FQDN specified in the node-wizard matches a configured certificate

  • To optimize media-interoperability with certain devices it is now possible to configure to let the c-line appear prior to m-lines

  • For inbound requests it can now be optionally checked whether the domain of the Request- URI matches the domain of the Transport-URI

  • Behaviour when ignoring Options has been optimized

  • VoIP provider profile changed: sipcall

Bug Fixes

  • A potential crash during ICE-negotiation

  • The live-trace button will now only appear if live-tracing is actually possible

anynode Setup 3.16.7 (February 14, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.7

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.7

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.7

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.7

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.7

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.7

Version Highlights

  • Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Certification: This is the first public release of anynode 3.16.x after the successful completion of the certification of anynode for use with Microsoft Teams Direct Routing. Even though prior versions of anynode have been used by a multitude of customers successfully with their Direct Routing tenants, we recommend updating to this version to ensure Microsoft support for your deployment. This version is also prepared for seamless upgrade to the upcoming Media Bypass mode of Microsoft Teams Direct Routing.

  • Role based user-management: The user-management built into the anynode frontend has been improved dramatically with this version. It is now possible to configure fine-grained access-rights for the various users that have been added for use on the frontend. This helps to limit access to potentially privacy relevant information to only those employees that need the specific rights.

Bug Fixes

  • A potential problem during update of configuration from an older anynode-version

anynode Setup 3.16.6 (February 13, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.6

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.6

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.6

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.6

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.6

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.6

Bug Fixes

  • A potential problem during update of configuration from an older anynode-version

anynode Setup 3.16.5 (February 11, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.5

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.5

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.5

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.5

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.5

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.5

New Features

  • New VoIP provider profile: sipcall

  • New VoIP provider profile: verizon

  • New VoIP provider profile: Flat Planet Phone

  • New VoIP provider profile: sipcall

  • The Java Runtime that is used by the anynode frontend has been changed from Oracle 8u192 to AdoptOpenJDK 8u202


  • When setting the operating system time zone, the UTC offsets are now displayed

  • Mouse-over on the note icon will now display the note as a tool tip

  • Additional optimizations for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing defaults Improved interoperability with 3rd-party

Bug Fixes

  • A potential endless-loop during TCP-handling

anynode Setup 3.16.4 (January 22, 2019)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.4

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.4

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.4

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.4

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.4

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.4

New Features

  • New role-based user-management has been integrated

    Allows for fine-grained control to various anynode function-areas

    Four builtin roles

    Administrator - a role that integrates all possible rights

    Call History Exporter - a role that can only be used to export the call-history via REST API

    Configurator - a role that enables to do basic anynode-configuration

    Monitor - a role that enables to use the monitor-section of anynode

    One builtin user


    All users existing before are automatically assigned the admin role

    Additional roles and users can be created

  • Password-policy

    Allows to configure the strength of password required for login

    Minimum length of passwords

    Additional constraints like minimum number of digits, letters (generic, uppercase, lowercase) and special characters

    Heuristic to disallow simple patterns (12345678, abcdefgh...)

    Blacklist of disallowed words

  • Login-policy

    Allows to configure various behaviour in connection with logins:

    Blocking-time after a failed attempt

    Password expiration

  • Authentication for web-frontend is now enabled by default for new installations

    In this case, login is possible with default admin user anadmin and empty password Improvements:


  • Various improvements to automatically set optimized defaults for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing

Bug Fixes

  • A potential crash in the UCMA module

anynode Setup 3.16.3 (December 20, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.3

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.3

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.3

  • Java: JRE 8u191 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.3

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.3

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.3


  • Some additional functionality has been integrated into the new user-management

  • VoIP provider profile changed:Deutsche Telekom (IP based) (1TR114): Additional IP-addresses to the white-list

Bug Fixes

  • A potential crash during certificate validation

  • A problem in the anynode trace analyzer during parsing of trace-files

anynode Setup 3.16.2 (December 19, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.2

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.2

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.2

  • Java: JRE 8u191 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.2

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.2

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.2


  • Media-Negotiation has been improved when no compatible codecs were found

Bug Fixes

  • The detection of TLS-usage of sessions and nodes in the anynode trace analyzer

anynode Setup 3.16.1 (December 14, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.1

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.1

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.1

  • Java: JRE 8u191 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.1

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.1

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.1


  • Some default-configuration options optimized for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing

anynode Setup 3.16.0 (December 11, 2018)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.16.0

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.16.0

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.16.0

  • Java: JRE 8u202 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.16.0

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.16.0

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.16.0

New Features

  • Support for repacketizing RTP-data

  • Support for generating CN-events when processing silence

  • Support for handling RTP on TCP

  • Support for Retry After in 500 and 503 responses

  • Support for ICE-LITE

  • Check if anynode is running in a virtual environment and show the environment detected

  • Check if and which firewalls are active on a Windows system

  • Warning for non-installed QoS-role on Windows has been added

  • The timezone of the operating-system can now be configured on the anynode frontend

  • Retry-After header is now evaluated for 500 and 503 responses

  • Initial version of the new user-management


  • The implementation of ICE/TURN/MS-TURN and STUN has been refactored

  • Fail over behaviour now supports Microsoft Teams Direct Routing

  • Various changes of default-behaviour for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing

  • The anynode-configuration will now be sent as delta, improving performance when applying changes

  • Interoperability of media-negotiation with old Snom/Polycom Phones on UCMA-node improved

  • Default-payload types for Silk-codecs changed to circumvent a problem during media negotiation in the startup-phase with Microsoft-Teams

  • Various changes to improve interoperability in SIPS/TLS scenarios

  • It is now possible to configure the origin of the referrer-information

  • A new improved trace-format is now used by default

Bug Fixes

  • The trace-filename should now always contain the correct start-time of the trace