billboard graphic anynode release 3.2

anynode release 3.2

Intro 3.2

Version Highlights


anynode Setup 3.4.1 (July 26, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.2.7

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.2.7

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.2.7

  • Java: JRE 8u141 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.2.7

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.2.7

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.2.7

Bug Fixes

  • During configuration-import using network-controller mapping the activation-state of reverse- DNS lookup was inverted inadvertently

anynode Setup 3.2.6 (July 22, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.2.6

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.2.6

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.2.6

  • Java: JRE 8u141 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.2.6

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.2.6

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.2.6

Bug Fixes

  • A problem in the context of creating offers concerning hold-states

anynode Setup 3.2.5 (June 26, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.2.5

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.2.5

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.2.5

  • Java: JRE 8u131 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.2.5

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.2.5

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.2.5

Bug Fixes

  • A potential memory leak in the Windows LDAP implementation was corrected

anynode Setup 3.2.4 (June 16, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.2.4

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.2.4

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.2.4

  • Java: JRE 8u131 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.2.4

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.2.4

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.2.4

Bug Fixes

  • A potential memory leak in the Windows SNMP plugin-dll was corrected

anynode Setup 3.2.3 (June 08, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.2.3

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.2.3

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.2.3

  • Java: JRE 8u131 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.2.3

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.2.3

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.2.3

Bug Fixes

  • A potential busy-loop in a thread handling RTP with UDP-errors was corrected

anynode Setup 3.2.2 (June 02, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.2.2

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.2.2

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.2.2

  • Java: JRE 8u131 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.2.2

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.2.2

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.2.2


  • The RTP-configuration option Negotiate consecutive RTP and RTCP ports will now also be honored if a static port-mapping has been configured for that node

anynode Setup 3.2.1 (May 31, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.2.1

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.2.1

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.2.1

  • Java: JRE 8u131 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.2.1

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.2.1

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.2.1


  • In the node-interconnection-wizard the Remote-SIP-Domain and other data fields are now shown

Bug Fixes

  • Removed non-functional wizard intended for version 3.4.x

anynode Setup 3.2.0 (May 29, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.2.0

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.2.0

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.2.0

  • Java: JRE 8u131 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.2.0

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.2.0

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.2.0

New Features

  • The new scenario Create a relationship between a Microsoft UCMA Application Node and a PBX or VoIP System has been added

  • The Destination-URI can now be derived from the From header or the first/last entry of the diversion history

  • The Asserted-URI can now be derived from the first/last entry of the diversion history


  • The Media Source subsystem has been re-organized and now supports a variety of countryspecific audio-signals

  • The UCMA-node can now be configured to explicitly set the state of a user to online

  • Various new information-elements can now be forwarded between nodes:


    transferrer dial string


    referred-by header

  • Routing now has ability to generate the source number by source or destination number

  • Each route can now contain multiple filters

  • It is now possible to use the transferrer dial string in routing

  • In the web-interface, the list of registered clients on a node now contains a column that shows the registered user

  • Various improvements in call-history-export:

    the char set can now be set

    date and time now also available as separate fields

    better machine-readable default encoding for date and time

    Basic authentication method added

    New fields have been added: CPU-usage and name of client-registration used for call

  • A warning message will be displayed if the browser does not meet the required prerequisites

  • A switch to enable or disable the call history has been added

  • A switch to enable or disable the regular clean-up of the call history has been added

  • A switch to enable the anonymization of dial strings in the Active Sessions and the Call History has been added

  • Information written into the event-log has been expanded:

    Successful login and logout of users on the frontend

    State of the UCMA-Node like successful or failed startup, connection-loss to SfB server, state of users etc.

    SIP-Nodes that switch to in operational due to missing response to Option-headers

    Failed Registrations at anynode‘s registrar due to forbidden or decline

Bug Fixes

  • A potential problem during establishment of IPC-connections between anynode‘s separate modules