anynode release 4.12 billboard graphic

anynode Release 4.12

Version Highlights

We are pleased to announce the release of the new version 4.12 for anynode - The Software SBC. This version brings numerous innovative features and improvements that further increase the performance and flexibility of anynode.

One highlight is SIP Flow Recording, which enables comprehensive call analysis. Users can retrieve the SIP flows directly from the frontend and export them in various formats. This makes it much easier to track and analyze call flows.

The Failover Routing feature in anynode makes it possible to define several target nodes with specific routing and rewriting rules within a route. Failover routing ensures that calls reach their destination even if the primary route fails.

The ACME Certificate Replication enables the replication of ACME certificates to replicated systems. This is particularly important for high-availability scenarios and ensures that certificates can also be used reliably in hot standby installations.

The Request Router ensures efficient load distribution and optimized call handling. Incoming invites are distributed across several systems, which improves scalability and efficiency in complex installations.

Port Sharing for SIP Nodes allows multiple nodes to share a SIP transport and be accessible through the same port.

The OS Trusted Certificate Store feature allows certificates stored in the operating system to be trusted.

The Trusted Certificate Update Service automates the checking and updating of trusted certificates directly from the TE-SYSTEMS community. This makes it much easier to keep the certificates that anynode trusts up to date.

Matching Condition Transport Connections extend the configuration options by taking the remote dial string into account when selecting transport connections. This opens new possibilities for using multiple transport connections in a node configuration.

The Active Session Filter lets you define filters for displaying active sessions in the anynode monitor, making it easier to manage and search for individual calls, especially test calls.

Finally, the REST API extension provides many additional configuration and administration features that improve integration with other IT systems and simplify system administration.

These new features make anynode version 4.12 an even more powerful and versatile tool for the requirements of modern network infrastructures. The installation file for this update is now available in the TE-SYSTEMS Community.

anynode Setup 4.12.5 (September 13, 2024)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 4.12.5

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 4.12.5

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 4.12.5

  • Java: JRE 11u24 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Microsoft Teams SBA: 2024.8.15.1

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 4.12.5

  • Trace: anynode trace 4.12.5

  • Administration: anynode ad 4.12.5

New Features

  • The Failover Routing feature in anynode makes it possible to define several target nodes with specific routing and rewriting rules within a route.Failover routing ensures that calls reach their destination even if the primary route fails.


  • The load of Transport-Connections of a Request Router can now be evaluated and displayed on the Dashboard

  • It is now possible to use hostnames in PostgreSQL connections

  • Directory Route Supervision can now also react on an existing user

  • The anynode powershell module has been updated

  • Unnecessary SNI check in anynode frontend has been disabled

  • The Microsoft Teams SBA Installer integrated into the Windows version of anynode has been upgraded to 2024.8.15.1

Bug Fixes

  • A potential crash during use of the new configuration file format

  • A potential crash during anynode shutdown

  • A potential issue with the encoding of LDAP queries on Debian systems

  • A potential issue with connections to encrypted external PostgreSQL servers

  • A potential crash in the anynode monitor on newly installed systems

  • A potential crash in the anynode monitor in regard to registered SIP clients

  • An issue with usage of session in parallel call scenarios

  • An issue with playback of inband disconnect tones

  • An issue with showing transferred calls

  • An issue with showing wrong ip-addresses in SIP messages

  • A problem in the trace analyzer when showing Teams SBA and Cloud connections

  • A problem in the monitor and the trace analyzer during detection of SIP registrations

  • A potential issue where a TLS-connection with the anynode frontend could result in high system-load

  • A potential problem when installing the anynode frontend on Debian 12

anynode Setup 4.12.4 (August 27, 2024)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 4.12.4

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 4.12.4

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 4.12.4

  • Java: JRE 11u24 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Microsoft Teams SBA: 2023.5.9.2

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 4.12.4

  • Trace: anynode trace 4.12.4

  • Administration: anynode ad 4.12.4


  • The anynode powershell module has been updated

Bug Fixes

  • A potential crash in database connected directories

  • A potential crash in the anynode monitor

  • A potential issue creating licensing errors in the log

anynode Setup 4.12.3 (August 23, 2024)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 4.12.3

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 4.12.3

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 4.12.3

  • Java: JRE 11u24 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Microsoft Teams SBA: 2023.5.9.2

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 4.12.3

  • Trace: anynode trace 4.12.3

  • Administration: anynode ad 4.12.3

New Features

  • New VoIP Provider: IP Austria SIP-Trunk


  • Improved media-renegotiation during transfer of sessions on the WebRTC node

Bug Fixes

  • A possible issue when filtering statistics

  • An issue with completing a wizard using a shared network peer whitelist

  • An issue where UTC was always used in a statistic-filter

anynode Setup 4.12.2 (August 20, 2024)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 4.12.2

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 4.12.2

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 4.12.2

  • Java: JRE 11u24 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Microsoft Teams SBA: 2023.5.9.2

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 4.12.2

  • Trace: anynode trace 4.12.2

  • Administration: anynode ad 4.12.2


  • To improve interoperability, optionally SIP-authentication can be re-initiated instead of aborted during a failed authentication attempt

  • Secondary ELIN addresses are now supported

Bug Fixes

  • A potential crash when parsing headers during SIP authentication

  • A potential crash when setting configuration

  • Issues when handling T.38 packets in the trace analyzer

  • An issue when configuring maximum file size for tracing

anynode Setup 4.12.1 (August 19, 2024)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 4.12.1

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 4.12.1

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 4.12.1

  • Java: JRE 11u24 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Microsoft Teams SBA: 2023.5.9.2

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 4.12.1

  • Trace: anynode trace 4.12.1

  • Administration: anynode ad 4.12.1


  • Naming-change to "Request Router"

Bug Fixes

  • An issue during install on Debian based platforms

anynode Setup 4.12.00 (August 12, 2024)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 4.12.00

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 4.12.00

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 4.12.00

  • Java: JRE 11u24 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Microsoft Teams SBA: 2023.5.9.2

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 4.12.00

  • Trace: anynode trace 4.12.00

  • Administration: anynode ad 4.12.00

New Features

  • The SIP messages for sessions can be stored in the call-history for later retrieval and analysis.

  • Support for using the Operating-System specific trusted certificate store as additional source for anynode trusted certificates

  • Support for replicating ACME handled certificates across multiple systems

  • A SIP request router has been integrated to allow for load balancing etc. in various scenarios

  • Multiple SIP nodes can now share a single SIP transport and thus one signalling port

  • Specific trusted certificates can now automatically be checked and updated from TE-SYSTEMS' community

  • Support for Ubuntu 24.04 "Noble Numbat" has been added

  • Support for Debian 10 "Buster" has been removed


  • Transport-connections can now be configured to be used conditionally via a matching condition

  • An active session filter can now limit the visible session in the monitoring simplifying the search for and administration of specific calls.

  • Various REST API enhancements for configuration and administration of anynode improving integration into third party IT systems

  • Sampling rate conversion has been fully replaced by libsamplerate, achieving higher quality, greater flexibility and almost equal performance

  • The OpenSSL library integrated into the Windows version of anynode has been updated to version 3.0.14

  • The SQLite library integrated into the Windows version of anynode has been updated to 3.46.0

  • An ICE-negotiation-option for the transport timeout included

  • Additional matching rules for comparison of phone-number in the Azure Active Directory

  • The media transcoding options now have a profile with the selection of "compatible" or "performance"

  • Rewriting now allows to attach ";ext=" on dialstrings

  • The maximum duration of sessions can now be configured

  • It is now possible to limit the maximum size of a single trace-file

  • Incoming WebRTC connections can now be limited to originate from certain URLs

  • It is now possible to configure local and remote matching conditions for transport-connections

  • ICE negotiation interoperability with Zoom has been improved

  • Code-refactorization in the anynode monitor

  • Performance of the trace analyzer in session view has been improved

  • Loading of traces with a high count of configuration objects has been optimized

  • The trace-analyzer now also shows version-information about used components (e.g. SQLite...)

  • The trace-analyzer can now suppress the display of "successful" sessions

  • The trace-analyzer can now show decoded certificates The trace-analyzer can now load multiple (rolling) traces at the same time

Bug Fixes

  • Several issues when decoding and displaying options-packets in the trace-analyzer

  • An issue when showing timestamp units of DTMFs in the trace-analyzer