billboard graphic anynode release 3.4

anynode release 3.4

Intro 3.4

Version Highlights


anynode Setup 3.4.10 (August 30, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.10

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.10

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.10

  • Java: JRE 8u144 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.10

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.10

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.10


  • The SIP-transport can now be configured to also use incoming SIP-flows to send new requests

anynode Setup 3.4.9 (August 23, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.9

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.9

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.9

  • Java: JRE 8u144 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.9

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.9

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.9

Bug Fixes

  • When forwarding an asserted address the destination-address was used erroneously

anynode Setup 3.4.8 (August 22, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.8

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.8

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.8

  • Java: JRE 8u144 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.8

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.8

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.8

New Features

  • New VoIP provider profile: ecotel sipTrunk 2.0


  • Added the ability to enable strict number-comparison in UCMA-configuration for association of numbers to users

  • The UCMA-assistant was enhanced to allow reservation of media-ports

  • The UCMA-assistant was extended by an option to define LDAP-attributes which are used to associate number to Skype-for-Business users

  • LDAP-attributes names are now being parsed and erroneous input is flagged in the edit-field

  • The configuration of the Asserted URI in the node-assistant was separated into user- and a host-part

  • When creating a new node, the creation of a new network-controller is now selected by default

  • The update of SIP-transport-instances when network-options changed has been improved

  • VoIP provider profile updated: QSC IPfonie extended connect

  • VoIP provider profile updated: QSC IPfonie extended connect TLS

Bug Fixes

  • A problem in the detection of network status-changes was corrected both in anynode trace analyzer and status-monitor on the web-frontend

  • A problem in establishment of a media-session when using policy options was corrected

  • A memory leak when using IP-address-filters was corrected

  • A problem during shutdown of UDP-receivers was corrected on the Windows platform

anynode Setup 3.4.7 (August 15, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.10

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.7

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.7

  • Java: JRE 8u144 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.7

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.7

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.7


  • A SfB UCMA Node can now be configured to only allow outgoing calls if the destination user can be found during the search with one of the specified LDAP attributes

anynode Setup 3.4.6 (August 11, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.10

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.6

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.6

  • Java: JRE 8u144 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.6

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.6

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.6


  • new SIP-configuration allows to start SIP-dialogs with a Cseq of 1 instead of a random value

anynode Setup 3.4.5 (August 10, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.10

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.5

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.5

  • Java: JRE 8u141 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.5

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.5

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.5


  • A new media-configuration allow to let anynode use the payload-types proposed by the other side instead of the local configured ones for interoperability with certain SIP implementations

  • The ICE-candidates are now being decimated during handshake

anynode Setup 3.4.4 (August 09, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.10

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.4

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.4

  • Java: JRE 8u141 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.4

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.4

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.4

Bug Fixes

  • A minor memory-leak in the anynode monitor was corrected

anynode Setup 3.4.3 (August 07, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.3

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.3

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.3

  • Java: JRE 8u141 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.3

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.3

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.3


  • In the SfB UCMA Node, one or more LDAP attribute names can now be specified. An attribute name is used for an Active Directory query and identifies the attribute that contains the phone number of a Skype for Business user

anynode Setup 3.4.2 (August 02, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.2

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.2

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.2

  • Java: JRE 8u141 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.2

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.2

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.2

Bug Fixes

  • In rare circumstances nodes did enter up-state directly after system boot due to the networklayer coming up in an odd way on Windows

  • In rare circumstances the web-fronted of anynode was not reachable directly after systemboot due to the network-layer coming up in an odd way on Windows.

anynode Setup 3.4.1 (July 26, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.1

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.1

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.1

  • Java: JRE 8u141 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.1

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.1

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.1

Bug Fixes

  • During configuration-import using network-controller mapping the activation-state of reverse-DNS lookup was inverted inadvertently

anynode Setup 3.4.0 (July 25, 2017)

Technical Setup

  • Core: anynode 3.4.0

  • Frontend: anynode frontend 3.4.0

  • UCMA: anynode UCMA 3.4.0

  • Java: JRE 8u141 (private install with anynodefe, now based on openJDK)

  • Monitor: anynode monitor 3.4.0

  • Trace: anynode trace 3.4.0

  • Administration: anynode ad 3.4.0

New Features

  • The new scenario Create a relationship between a Microsoft SfB Voice mail System and a PBX or VoIP System has been added

  • The UCMA-node can now be configured to forward calls for specific users directly to voice mail

  • ICE negotiation is now being supported

  • Skype-for-Business specific adaptations for ICE-negotiation have been integrated

  • SIP-Transport-Layer alternatives have been extended in a major way

  • SDP is now also being accepted in multi-part bodies

  • Geolocation-informationen in PIDF+XML-multipart-bodies and in P-Access-Network-Infoheaders can now be relayed

  • RFC3323 SIP Privacy can now be transmitted

  • New VoIP provider profile: Swisscom Enterprise SIP

  • New VoIP provider profile: New Horizon

  • New VoIP provider profile: reventix SIPbase

  • New PBX system: SwyxWare 2015


  • Circumvented some DTLS issues with OpenSSL

  • Forwarding of 488 responses is now supported

  • Creation of UDP-channels with strict RTP/RTCP semantics is now also supported on mapped address-ranges

  • Some optimizations in handling SDP-offers have been implemented

  • Various additional information is now being forwarded from UCMA-nodes to the SIP-node being routed to

  • Improved the registration for large number of Skype-for-Business users on the UCMA-node

  • Network-interfaces can now be defined using a specific subnet

  • The ability to customize the source number by source or destination number was added

  • The call-history has been extended by

    peak and average CPU usage

    the name of the used client-registration (if used)

    the memory-usage

    currently active sessions

    unique system- and session-identifiers

  • White list handling and configuration has been improved

  • Enhance trace-decoder for UCMA transfer streams

  • The anynode trace analyzer now shows memory-usage, average and peak CPU-usage and session-count in the session-view

Bug Fixes

  • The anynode trace analyzer now clears data in streams view before setting the selected stream. Prior to this fix the data from the last selected stream was shown

  • Renegotiation of media has been corrected for UCMA nodes when in hold-state