
Google Voice Node

This chapter will delve into the essential aspects of configuring the Google Voice node. By understanding the concepts and configurations in this chapter, you can set up and customize your Google Voice node for secure and seamless communication with the cloud-based calling service.

A brief overview of the key topics covered:

  1. Google Voice Preset: We explore the setup process for connecting with Google Voice, including configuring the necessary parameters and settings to establish communication with the cloud-based calling service.

  2. Google Voice-specific Settings: We discuss the setup of Google's proprietary SIP header X-Google-Pbx-Trunk-Secret-Key.

  3. Network Controller: We discuss the Network Controller selection and its configuration for seamless communication between the Google Voice node and the network infrastructure.

  4. Ports: We examine the configuration of ports within the Google Voice node, including the port and protocol setup for inbound and outbound communication with Google Voice SIP Link.

  5. NAT Traversal: We examine the NAT Traversal dialog, which can be important for SIP communication between VoIP devices behind Network Address Translation (NAT).

  6. Certificate Source: We cover the configuration of the certificate source, which determines where the node obtains the required SSL/TLS certificate for secure communication with Google Voice.

  7. Certificate and Private Key: We explore the process of configuring the SSL/TLS certificate and the private key for the Google Voice node, ensuring secure communication between the node and Google Voice.

  8. Network Peer Whitelist: We examine the configuration of network peer whitelists, allowing for the definition of trusted IP addresses or ranges for secure communication.

  9. Incoming Rewrite Rules: We explore the setup of rewrite rules for incoming calls, enabling customization and rewriting of call attributes, such as dial strings or caller ID's.

  10. Outgoing Rewrite Rules: We explore the setup of rewrite rules for outgoing calls, enabling customization and rewriting of call attributes, such as dial strings or caller ID's.

  11. Node Name: We discuss the configuration of the node name, which serves as a unique identifier for the Google Voice node within the network.

  12. Node Overview: The provided node configurations will be reviewed in the final assistant dialog.