billboard How to add a HTTPS connector with ACME and obtain a certificate from a certification issuance provider in anynode – The Software SBC.

Create HTTPS Connector with ACME

How to renew, modify or remove certificates in anynode – The Software SBC with the certificate issuance menu.

In this chapter, we will add a HTTP connector. The HTTPS connector is desired to enable external access to the anynode frontend. By default, access to the anynode frontend is limited to localhost on port 8088 or on port 8088.

However, if you want an alternative path, like when you're on the same network (e.g., internal company network) as anynode, you'd want to grant access in that scenario. Or if you want to make it accessible over the internet for remote access. The reason for opting HTTPS in such cases is due to its enhanced security.

Furthermore, you even have the option to establish a client authentication. This means the client needs a specific certificate on their side to access the page, adding an extra layer of security. Of course, you can obtain a certificate from a certification issuance service provider here.