

Specify the name of the web server connector. It can be used to differentiate between different connectors. The assistant will suggest a name, and we will accept it

Click Next to proceed.

Screenshot: anynode frontend with web server connector assistant and specification of the name of the connector. Screenshot: anynode frontend with web server connector assistant and specification of the name of the connector.
anynode frontend with web server connector assistant and specification of the name of the connector.

Everything configured through the upper anynode menu (web server connectors, backends, certificates) is always applied immediately when you close the window or complete the assistant. A Commit is not required at this point.

You have now become acquainted with the web server connector assistant and its various configuration steps to set up an HTTPS connector, which is used to enable external access to the anynode frontend.

If you want to use an alternative certification issuance provider, distinct from Let's Encrypt, ZeroSSL, or GoDaddy, the next chapter Other ACME Provider is the most suitable choice for you.