

To create a new https connector, please follow these steps:

  • Go to the Extras section.

  • Select Web Server and Connectors.

Screenshot: anynode frontend with the expanded extras menu and access to the web server connectors configuration. Screenshot: anynode frontend with the expanded extras menu and access to the web server connectors configuration.
anynode frontend with the expanded extras menu and access to the web server connectors configuration.

You will get an overview of all existing web server connectors.

Click on Add.

Screenshot: anynode frontend with web server connectors overview. Screenshot: anynode frontend with web server connectors overview.
anynode frontend with web server connectors overview.

In the web server connector assistant, choose the desired Hypertext Transfer Protocol type.

In general, for security reasons, it's advisable to always choose HTTPS here.

Select: Establish end-to-end encryption over HTTPS.

Click Next to proceed.

Screenshot: anynode frontend with web server connector assistant and HTTP type selection. Screenshot: anynode frontend with web server connector assistant and HTTP type selection.
anynode frontend with web server connector assistant and HTTP type selection.